Congressional Republicans Have Unveiled a New Tax Bill That They Plan to Pass by Thanksgiving.
WASHINGTON - Republicans for the past couple of weeks have said that they were going to release a new tax plan that would change our current system completely. Recently they released what would be included and what would ultimately be the result of this tax plan. They left some parts of the plan vague and others went into more detail. Since this is their starting position they still have much to tweak, and they still have to get it passed in both chambers of congress.
Although much of the house Republicans are supporting the bill, there are a number of conservatives who oppose the bill as well as a majority of the Democratic Party. Speaker of the house, Paul Ryan, is the face of the bill and supports it feverishly, he is the voice of the bill as well.
While Paul Ryan and his supporters have been trying to keep the focus on the tax reform bill, things have been happening whether it's the President saying something or most recently another mass shooting, they can’t keep the public’s eyes on the bill. When asked questions about anything other than the bill they try to get the conversation back to tax reform.
One of the highlights of the bill is that they want to cut taxes for corporations down to 20% to help “create jobs”. This would cut the corporate tax by 15%, as the current corporate tax is 35%. For some in congress this is the part of the bill that some can’t get behind. The corporate tax cuts are an incentive to get companies to come to the United States rather than abroad.
The tax cuts are being hotly debated as we speak in Washington. The congressional Republicans, or at least a majority, are going to try and get these tax cuts. If passed it will be the largest overhaul of the tax system in over thirty years.