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South Korea is Against U.S. and North Korea War

WASHINGTON - South Korea implores that there should not be another war on the Korean peninsula. Kang Kyung-wha says diplomacy is the only answer to the question of war in an interview taken in Seoul, South Korea; while the White House asks for four billion dollars for defense against North Korea, and Donald Trump is to meet with Duterte at Vietnam summit.

Amongst constant turmoil over the possibility of a world war three, many reporters and diplomats say war is never the answer. With the threat of nuclear warfare possibly destroying entire countries, paranoia has only increased. Now South Koreans have declared there is no need for another war in Korea. Once already devastated by war the Korean Peninsula does not want to be attacked again. Seoul being only 30 miles away from the North Korean border would be a primary target for North Korea along with a total of 28,000 U.S. troops are stationed in South Korea.

South Koreans themselves are believed to be in a state of denial when it comes to both, preparations for a war or threats of war. Kim Hyun-chung is a psychiatrist at the National Medical Center and says that the South Koreans themselves feel helpless. After the Korean War they have had to find ways to cope with these threats says Kim Hyun-Chung. It has also been increasingly more common for South Koreans to talk about war, which is only increasing paranoia amongst Koreans themselves. They also find Trump’s statements and the United State’s view on a war with North Korea terrifying.

With contrasting views coming from Trump, Rex Tillerson and South Korean officials there isn't a unanimous decision/view shared that suggests an end to this United States, North Korean conflict.

Now the United States have asked for four billion dollars to use for missile defense and to counter a potential attack from North Korea. Trump said that this money would be used to support deployed forces, allies and partners to then, detect defeat and defend against attacks from Pyongyang. He has also promised billions in missile defense since August. Trump also reiterated that his top priority is to provide defense and security to those in the United States. The funding would also go toward a ground based interceptor field. There would also be more missile detecting technologies in preparations for a possible attack.

Donald Trump being on his Asia trip also raises tensions with Donald Trump, set to arrive in Seoul it increases the anxiety amongst both the United States and Korea. Donald Trump is also planned to meet with Rodrigo Duterte where they will discuss issues such as drug trafficking and South Korea, especially after Duterte himself has spoken out publicly against the possible war with North Korea. However both of the leaders’ ideals converge on the war on drugs, where Donald Trump has given high praise to the Filipino president in how Duterte has addressed the drug problem in the Philippines

The Santa Fe Truth Project

Bethany Althouse

Lizbeth Nava

Monte del Sol Charter School
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