2018 Senate-Budget Resolution Passed, What Next?
On Thursday, the Senate’s version of the budget plan was passed with a vote of 216-212, meaning the next step could be a win for Republicans.
The passing of the budget resolution is important because it means that lawmakers can establish spending priorities with it, how they pay for them is not necessarily known. These decisions could impact the average citizen.
It all started with the president’s budget proposal done in May, which included reducing money towards programs like Medicaid, Federal student loans and Food Stamps. Instead the funding would go towards programs for Veterans and infrastructure. Trump’s proposal claims that the plan would raise the economy by 3 percent.
Back to the present, Congress and the Senate each came up with a budget plan. The proposals done by these groups provide limits, yet do not address specific programs. Members of the House supported the plan made by the Senate. The bill passed this Thursday can allow Republicans to use the method of reconciliation to pass a tax cut, which has been a priority for the GOP. The Senate’s bill would reduce the non -defense discretionary spending by $632 million in the span of 10 years.
The plan for Republicans is to pass the tax cut soon. As it has been said that House Republicans were "asked to vote for a budget that nobody believes in so that we have the chance to vote for a tax bill that nobody's read," states, Representative Matt Gaetz. (R-Fla)
The process of reconciliation means only needing 51 votes in order to be put to action, theoretically not needing the votes of Democrats. The speaker of the House, Paul Ryan says the goal of the GOP is to pass a tax reform package by the week of Thanksgiving.
Perhaps the Democrats will find a way to retaliate the power GOP has right now.