Trump Picks A New Head Official For The National Drug Control Policy
WASHINGTON D.C. - Trump’s pick for the new head official for the National Drug Control Policy is questionable because he chose Tom Marino, a Pennsylvanian representative who passed a bill last year that made it harder for the DEA to go after big drug companies while making it easier for patients to get opioid drugs.
Marino supported a bill that would make it easier for people to get opioid drugs and make it harder for the DEA to prosecute pharmaceutical companies. He worked with former DEA agents to word the bill in a way that would benefit pharmaceutical companies. The pharmaceutical companies also gave about $1.5 million dollars to congress. This bill passed the Senate and the House unanimously in 2016 and was signed into law by President Obama. Marino also defends the bill by saying the new media is distorting it because the bills purpose is to balance the needs of patients for medical pain prescriptions and to stop the abuse of the DEA.
Marino recently withdrew from the nomination to become head of the National Drug Control Policy because of his ties with the pharmaceutical industry were recently reported. Marino received about $100,000 dollars in donations from political action committees that have ties with the pharmaceutical industry. These political action committees recently said on Tuesday that they have no support for the bill that Marino supported and they even called for its repeal.
Since Marino won’t be the head official of the National Drug Control Policy he will remain as a representative from a rural area in Pennsylvania where he won his last election in a landslide, but because of the rising issue of the opioid crisis and his choices on drug policy this may not happen again in the next election cycle. His Democratic opponent, Judy Herschel, is a drug and alcohol counselor who announced her campaign against him. The election is still too far away to know if his seat is under in any real threat. In 2010 when he first won his seat, he was under investigation for his role in winning a casino license for a mobster but this didn't slow down the votes in his favor.
On Tuesday Trump tweeted that he was informed that Marino was withdrawing and that he is a fine man and a great congressmen. Trump has also stated that he will formally address the opioid problem this week by declaring a national emergency in hopes of bringing more attention to the problem and freeing up more resources to straighten the issue out. Trump hasn’t disclosed any information on how he is going to fix the problem. The white house has stated that it’s still going through the emergency details and is currently under going a legal review. All important actions to tackle the ongoing opioid crisis and a start to finally address the problem that is killing approximately 91 Americans every day.
Marino, a Pennsylvanian representative from a rural area has declined the nomination to become the head official of the National Drug Control Policy. He was the same person who supported a bill that critics say worsen the opioid pandemic by making it easier for patients to access opioids and harder for the DEA to prosecute pharmaceutical companies. Also Marino declined the nomination because of all the press he got on how he was an active supporter of that bill. Since he no longer going to become ahead of the National Drug Control Policy he is going to be more focused on his re-election campaign and has a lot of work to do because his opponent is an alcoholic and drug counselor and because what he pushed for in 2016 it could have a massive impact on his election. Trump has also made news by announcing that he is going to be declaring a national emergency because of the opioid pandemic a huge step in the right direction in fixing the United State’s opioid pandemic.