Science Should Be As Important As English or Any Other Subject
For the past few years science hasn't been one of the priorities for Santa Fe school officials, teachers, and students. The reason is that the PARCC exams has taken focus from the science studies and classes due to students and teachers trying to increase proficiency of the scores on the annual PARCC exams that test students on reading and math skills but also evaluate teachers and schools.
Many schools in Santa Fe show how students from grades 3rd to 11th either increase their percentage on the science SBA or decrease it. Many who take those science SBA haven't really practiced. “If you took a life science course in the ninth grade and you have 12 questions asked of you about that in the 11th grade, you probably aren’t going to answer them correctly,” said Trina Raper, the district’s executive director of curriculum and professional development.
To start with students haven't had the classes necessary or at the right time to be expected to have a good percent of proficiency in the science SBA, as Channell Wilson-Segura Principal of Capital High said.
“Just 21.7 percent of Capital High’s 11th-graders achieved proficiency in 2015-16, down from 26.2 percent the year before. At Santa Fe High, 31.5 percent of 11th-graders were proficient, a drop from 37.9 percent the previous year.” said Robert Nott journalist for The New Mexican.
Having science out of the picture isn't very good for neither the people including students or the environment “We marched because science is critical to our health, economies, food security, and safety.” said in a website for SERVING SCIENCE FOR THE COMMON GOOD “We marched to defend the role of science in policy and society.” us, the people, need to be safe and science provides us with some sort of safety”
There are many websites and events going on on social media to have people all over the world unite and stand up for something they know it's needed “It's an event that unites with over 400 other March for Science events worldwide to champion science as a pillar for the advancement of human knowledge, progress and prosperity.” said on March For Science Santa Fe.
People believe science is necessary for us, and people like Raper are trying to figure out how and what they can do to make science fit in and work “It’s going to take some time to figure this out,” Raper told the school board. “There are so many variables that need to be looked at seriously.”